Monday, September 15, 2014 – The Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course - The Unleash Your Inner Psychic Course
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"Are You Ready to Find out How to Tap Into Your True Potential by Using Your Intuition and Natural Psychic Powers with a Proven, Step-by-Step System to Achieve Success in Your Career, Money, Love, Family, Relationships and Health?"

Discover the Truth behind the 4 Biggest Misconceptions About the Development of Your Psychic Abilities and How they can Help You to Improve Your Life!

Before I became a Psychic Medium and Mentor for my students I have to admit, that I was very apprehensive about the development of psychic powers.

Sure I had psychic dreams here and there or I just knew what would happen sometimes, but I had a few reasons why I didn’t want to take a closer look at it…..

After speaking with my students, I found out that I was not the only one that was hesitant in the beginning.

1. That it is against religious believes 2. That it attracts dark forces 3. That You will only foresee negative events 4. That only a few chosen ones have this gift

The three big religions Christianity, Judaism and Islam all base their believe system in part on the old testament of the bible.

In the Old Testament it says that there was a dream interpreter named “Joseph-The Owner of the Dream”. He was an advisor of the pharaoh and was a respected man. He was obviously a psychic and it was quite alright back then – and so it is today.

In the case of the psychic world you can make a conscious decision to work only with positive energies, angels and the connection to God (Or the source).

So your focus can be clearly on the positive forces and energies, thus manifesting only positive experiences.

Before I refined my psychic abilities I used to have bad dreams that turned out to be true. So I was very hesitant to learn it. I found out that the right at ude towards these events is very important.

And once I entered the psychic world I received more and more positive information and with the help of angels and the healing energies of The Source (God, Creator, Spirit) I was able to help others and myself.

The thing is, when you have psychic experiences, the spirit world is trying to tell you that it’s important to take a closer look at the possibility that you are in fact psychic. Now if you would have only nice dreams you wouldn’t pay much attention to it. They need to get your attention in a more dramatic way by sending you dreams that you’ll remember.

And so once you are opening your mind to the possibilities of the spirit world you will be able to see wonderful things happening.

That’s why children are usually more psychic. They might see their grandma that has already p ed. Or Children that speak different languages are able to play with each other and understand each other.

The beauty of discovering your own spirituality is that you will be able to connect better to The Source, The Universe or God (with respect of what you want to call it) and with it to send out your wishes and desires by using manifestations.

Now I don’t know about you, but when I started to read books about it I was more confused afterwards….

Most of them were written in a very hard to understand style and they usually didn’t come with audios so it didn’t reach all my senses.

While helping my clients with spiritual counseling I founded The Psychic Ins ute with the intend of developing an easy-to-follow, interactive and proven step-by-step system specifically designed to help people like you to develop your intuition and psychic powers and achieve your goals.

Now, if you are not sure yet that you actually have psychic powers or if you are a little skeptical that these abilities work … Let me ure you that these powers do exist (everyone has them) and they do work!

In fact, many of the most powerful people in the world use psychic powers to succeed, though many don’t even realize it!

Take any head of a company. Most of his decisions will be based on a gut feeling. Of course, he will first get all the information he needs, but the final word comes from his inner voice.

This inner voice or intuition is one of the “psychic abilities” I’m going to help you learn to cultivate – and let me tell you, developing this power will quickly lead to success in a variety of areas in your life!

If You Have Ever Dreamed of Being Truly Successful in Both Your Personal & Professional Life & Imagined All the Benefits That Come With That, Such as:

Introducing The Ultimate… Read more…


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