Sunday, August 31, 2014

Online Wealth Secret Code

By admin | At 12:34 PM | Label : | 1 Comments

Online Wealth Secret Code
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What if I told you you’re minutes away from discovering the ‘missing link’ that’ll allow you to break away from your ‘9 to 5’ job?

If you’re not familiar with, it’s one of the #1 places to go online to find home study ‘training’ courses to sell, or create your own, and start generating an income from home FAST.

I’ll tell you how I’ve been among the #1 sellers on ClickBank for years using the secret code, and how I enjoy a life of wealth and freedom most people dream about and I’ll prove it to you.

And I know it doesn’t help when you buy a new training course that promises you the world, and it gets you all excited…only to find that it overwhelms you and leaves you unsure of where to start.

You try and implement what you think will finally work, only to find out you were flat out lied to…and it’s a LOT harder than it seems so you get little to NO results.

And then you get that constant nagging feeling—that voice inside your head—telling you “I’ve tried all this other stuff before and it always FAILS!”

With all the time and MONEY you’ve probably lost on training courses, programs, and seminars…can you really afford to buy another training course that may or may NOT let you retire rich?

What if you keep losing all your money trying out all these online business courses, because they keep leading you to the same place…a DEAD END?

You lose ALL your money and you remain STUCK at your d job ’til you’re 80-something years old, and retirement is no longer a possibility.

You go completely broke with NO income, you can’t pay the rent or you lose your house, your spouse leaves you, your kids can’t go to college, and you embarr yourself to the point you can’t show your face to your friends and family again.

Look…I know it may sound like I’m exaggerating, but I understand your fears and challenges…

And I personally have had some of these ‘nightmares’ come true for me. I was homeless for many years of my life!

You see, on one hand, I had accomplished my life-long dream of writing my very first how-to ‘product’…but on the other hand, I had no CLUE how to market it and sell it!

Much to my dismay, I discovered that off-line publishers also knew absolutely nothing about marketing either.

And what made things worse was that I didn’t really care to learn how to market either. All I wanted to do was study spirituality and teach people how to succeed through books and courses.

Not having any marketing knowledge (and being reluctant to learn it) led me to everything…from being homeless and shoplifting to feed myself, to having EVERY kind of job you can possibly imagine just to barely survive.

And after giving all of my money to a big oil and gas company that was supposed to make me wealthy, the oil company went bankrupt, the CEO committed suicide, and I ended up out on the streets…

If it wasn’t for the local library for me to sleep somewhere at night, and a couple of temporary work agencies, who knows if I’d still be here today.

I picked up countless dead-end jobs during that time period, including being a cab driver, a car salesman, a reporter, and even a geological technician looking for gas in the Gulf of Mexico.

I lived like that for almost 3 decades…only to realize that NONE of it was ever going to get me the success and fulfillment I was truly looking for.

It was then I finally admitted that my p ion for writing and selling books was never going to be fulfilled if I didn’t have the right marketing knowledge…

When I finally gave in, I studied everything I possibly could about marketing, wealth, success, achieving goals, etc.

I learned about copywriting, publicity, advertising, and sending out press releases that got me newspaper coverage…

I even became a speaker, even though I was very shy and scared to death to get in front of a small crowd! I pushed myself to new limits just to succeed, no matter how uncomfortable it was.

I learned all the tips and techniques of the trade…and it was slow and difficult. My results did NOT come easy.

But it finally became completely effortless when I discovered the secret ‘within’… and it became the driving force behind everything I began to accomplish.

Keep reading and I’ll tell you what it is… Read more…

Enter to Win Template

By admin | At 6:34 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

Enter to Win Template
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I have to tell you the truth about Obamacare and how if you’re not careful it’s going to break your budget, sap your savings and generally wreck havoc on your finances or worse!

Look this is a sensitive issue, that’s why I’m trying to keep my iden y concealed, because other doctors and Obamacare supporters won’t like me revealing these secrets to you.

But I feel like I just can’t stay quiet any longer. You deserve to know the truth about Obamacare.

Obamacare has some pretty powerful supporters and there’s no doubt in my mind that they could have this site shut down in a heartbeat if that’s what they want do to –

So are you comfortable? Great, let me ask you a quick question: Have you seen the news lately? Obamacare has been all over it. There are headlines from USA Today saying:

There are articles from a variety of news sources saying: “Already 4.5 million insurance cancellations have gone out due to Obamacare!”

“Only 23 percent of 409 physicians queried are taking patients who signed up through Obamacare health exchanges!”

“At least 500,000 Californians may lose their health insurance this year — and that’s a conservative estimate.”

“Many doctors are upset that they will be paid less, often much less, to care for the millions of patients who are projected to buy coverage through the health law’s new insurance marketplaces … and that the lower pay may make it difficult for new enrollees to find a physician willing to accept them.”

“A doctor shortage is threatening to make the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act even more difficult — and it could create lines for care and services in the future.”

But it’s just not coming out fast enough for people like you who are facing difficult insurance choices! You need to know that you were lied to. We were all told that under Obamacare: Every American would have affordable health insurance. Average family insurance premiums would go down by $2,500 per year. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. People would be able to keep their existing health insurance plan. Obamacare would not cause any new taxes.

· The people behind Obamacare believe that it is perfectly reasonable for you to pay 20% to 25% of your income on healthcare … WE KNOW IT’S NOT! The most inexpensive health plans will cost working families approximately $20,000 per year … AN OUTRAGEOUS AMOUNT! Many people have lost their health plans and can no longer see their preferred doctor! There are more than 20 new taxes ociated with Obamacare!

But the sad fact is Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, has p ed Congress, been signed into law and was OK’d by the Supreme Court … so it’s here to say.

Right now, many people are finding out that their healthcare costs are going to soar under Obamacare.

Maybe you are one of the lucky ones whose insurance company decided to keep offering your old policy for another year … but you’re still going to have to pick an Obamacare plan at the end of 2014!

In any case, you’ve come to the right place, until Obamacare backers shut me down I’m going to be here telling people like you the truth … telling you how to save money and avoid all the headaches Obamacare can cause.

We are still living in tough economic times, many people don’t have the extra money to pay much higher healthcare insurance premiums.

Plus, employers aren’t stupid … Obamacare requires them to offer insurance to any full-time employee.

You know what this means – many full-time employees are suddenly going to become part-time employees.

For us, healthcare has become a numbers game where to survive economically practices now need panels of3,000 or more patients per physician to be viable.

The inevitable result for patients: Appointments can take weeks to make and are rushed when they finally occur.

Because of the difficulty in accessing their physicians, patients are increasingly turning to the internet for answers to both simple and complicated medical questions.

The inevitable result for doctors: Long hours, high pressure, limited preventive care, and a feeling that this isn’t the kind of medicine they dreamed of when they first entered medical school.

In that regulation, the IRS declared that for the sake of Obamacare, full-time employment was considered 30 hours per week; breaking with the traditional 40 hours per week that has been considered full-time for decades.

The result of this is that people in the lowest paying jobs in the country have had their working hours lowered.

These people, most of whom work in restaurants… Read more…

New Zealand Immigration & Relocation Report. New Zealand Immigration Made Easy

By admin | At 6:06 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

New Zealand Immigration & Relocation Report. New Zealand Immigration Made Easy
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The New Zealand Immigration & Relocation Report TM ~ An insider’s guide to New Zealand immigration, investment, employment, and lifestyle. ~

Clean, fresh, green, uncrowded and reminiscent of a time when things cost less, the pace of life was slower, and people seemed friendlier to one another. A New Zealand lifestyle is more possible than you may think.

Isn’t it time you stopped wondering, wishing and hoping? Wouldn’t you like to find out how it can be done, what to expect along the way, and how best to enjoy what you’ve accomplished? If you’ve ever considered a New Zealand lifestyle, this report is for you.

Dreaming of New Zealand is one thing. Taking the steps to actually live your dream is another. This report will open your eyes to what is possible and how to start making your New Zealand dreams a reality.

We grew tired of guidebooks, pamphlets and websites that gushed about the seemingly never-ending wonders of visiting New Zealand but provided no real behind-the-scenes or in-the-trenches insights. We weren’t interested in the pabulum tourists are fed, we wanted hard information on actually living, working, investing and doing business in New Zealand. We looked and looked, and guess what? It simply didn’t exist in any one place. So we decided to do our own research, create our own reference library and put together a network of contacts that could provide answers to even the toughest questions. That was several years ago. Now you can benefit from this extensive experience and m ive resource at a fraction of the normal price.

"This report has answered the majority of all of our questions about New Zealand in one go. Hours of searching the web will not give you this kind of information, and will save you time, money and worry."

Migrants have a different way of looking at things. Their inherent initiative demands shrewd insights and solid information sources to help them hit the ground running. The New Zealand Immigration & Relocation Report was written by migrants for migrants. At NuKiwi, we don’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk. We live, work and play in New Zealand. We’ve spent thousands of hours travelling the country and researching businesses, schools, communities, infrastructure, markets and demographics. We’ve done the groundwork, so you don’t have to.

If you’re considering a move to or an investment in New Zealand; if you would like to come and go as you please and take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities available here, then you need access to top-notch information and first-hand knowledge. The New Zealand Immigration & Relocation Report was created to help guide you through the maze.

Some say that you can’t learn from the mistakes of others. We beg to differ. The experiences of others can provide essential insights and guidance. This informative report gives you the chance to learn from the experiences of those who have not only been there, but have learned the hard way. Let them teach you.

You have your own reasons for wanting to make New Zealand a part of your life. Perhaps it’s to own property or secure a second home. Perhaps you’d like to establish business or investment interests that could provide not only profit opportunities but also the ability to travel to and from New Zealand on tax-deductible dollars. Maybe you’d like to study the subjects of your choice in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Or maybe you’re simply looking for a whole new life. W ver your reasons, they’re what make your situation special, and why you need real answers.

"Your reports are by far the most complete, concise and illuminating source of information for the potential NZ migrant that I have found (and I have looked everywhere!). Should be required reading for anyone considering moving to NZ. Well Done!"

Like a friend in a distant city, this report can help you find your way through the maze of bureaucratic red tape along with the new social, cultural, economic, academic and commercial alternatives you will be presented with in New Zealand. In addition, you’ll learn how banking, shopping, and just plain everyday living differs from that which you may be used to.

We’ll even tell you how we got our immigration application approved in only three days!

We’ll tell you what we did to get our application approved in record time. And just as importantly, we’ll tell you to what to expect and what to be prepared for both before and after you arrive.

Along the way we provide gems of inside observation that only migrants can provide.

"Your report and newsletters are open and honest. …The report is wonderful and well worth the money spent. Each time I look at it I find something new and interesting. Thank… Read more…

The Dark Side of Fat Loss

By admin | At 5:13 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

The Dark Side of Fat Loss
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If you’re anything like my clients, at some time or another, you’ve wondered to yourself, “Why don’t diets work?”.

Maybe you’ve seen it in your friends – they will try the latest diet craze – low carb, low fat, low calorie, w ver it may be – and it seems like no matter what they do, as soon as they finish the diet they gain all of their weight back?

SOURCE: Sturm, R., J. Ringel, and T. Andreyeva, "Increasing Obesity Rates and Disability Trends," Health Affairs, Vol. 23, No. 2, March/April 2004, pp. 1–7

I mean, it’s well do ented in government literature what the best guidelines for healthy eating and living are…it’s not like people don’t know what to eat and how to live to be healthy…right?

And yet, more people than ever before in human history are obese, and not only that, the GROWTH rate for obesity is continuing to increase. So not only are we getting fatter, but the RATE at which we are getting fatter is increasing as well.

It seems to me like the current “mainstream” nutritional and health guidelines are…well, misguided. I mean, if they were correct, wouldn’t we all be a healthy, happy population? Wouldn’t this obesity epidemic not even exist?

Albert Einstein (a very smart man, I might add) once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

And yet here we are, doing exactly just that – following guidelines that continue to only produce an unhealthy, obese population, expecting them to provide us with a different result.

How many miles do we run (only to find ourselves exhausted and in physical pain, rather than with less of a gut?)

How many “burn fat in just 5 minutes a day” infomercials can we watch? How many fat loss pills, gimmicks, and gizmos can we buy?

If I were a cynic, I would just chalk up our losing obesity battle as a hopeless state of affairs and move on with my life. Fortunately, I’m not a cynic. Instead of just accepting things as they are, that fat loss is just a matter of counting calories, hours and hours of cardio, and eating whole grains, I spent the last 10 years learning the real truth about fat loss. I’ve worked with over 750 clients, read over 600 books, research papers and scientific journals, and spent over 10,000 hours working, learning, and researching how to become as healthy as possible, in the trenches.

And I’ve discovered that the majority of weight loss information that is out there isn’t just making you fat – it’s KILLING you.

You need to forget everything that you think you know about diet, health, fitness, and fat loss and have an open mind to what you are about to read.

Because if you’re attached to the idea that fat loss is simply a matter of calories in vs. calories out, or that saturated fat is going to give you a heart attack, then you may be surprised by what I have to say.

If you’re skeptical, I understand. I was too when I first started my research into true health. I walked across the stage at my University graduation thinking that I knew everything there was to know about fitness, nutrition, and health. Of course – I didn’t know anything. I was just a representative of the processed food industry. If you wanted my diet and nutrition recommendations, I’d just point you to the USDA’s website to get you familiar with their food guide pyramid. I’d tell you that eating according to that guide would take you on the path to better health.

And, as horrendous as my dietary recommendations were, my approach to personal training may have been worse. I promised to give my clients speedy fat loss, and instead gave them, well, cardio. Each week, clients were commanded to come in and burn as many as 7,000 calories on their cardio machine of choice.

Not only was all of that cardio brutal and inhumane, it was just plain stupid and a remarkable waste of time. It simply didn’t work. After all the treadmill mileage and prolonged semi starvation, my clients weight seldom budged. Sometimes their weight even went up. But that was because they put on muscle, right? (wink, wink!) and when the scale moved in the right direction, the results never lasted for more than a few months. The pounds ALWAYS came back, and then some.

Along with all of that, I had plenty of health issues myself. I was an exhausted, depressed, anxious individual who never left the house. I had digestive issues and… Read more…

Fast Skunk Smell Removal Instructions

By admin | At 3:40 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

Fast Skunk Smell Removal Instructions
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In A Hurry to Remove the Skunk Smell? Click on the on below to go to our Secure Order Form to Download My Skunk Smell Removal Guide.

It can take up to two FULL WEEKS for the skunk smell to go away untreated and humid or wet days can re-activate the skunk odor

What to do after you realize your pet has been sprayed by a skunk. Failure to do this step can make the skunk smell even worse and can even cause it to spread!

Make the mistake of brining your sprayed pet inside your house? Learn how to get the inside of your house Skunk Odor Free quickly and easily!

Simple easy-to-follow instructions to have your pet smelling better than before they even got sprayed by the skunk.

A commonly overlooked step revealed in Skunk Odor removal that is left out of 90% of the top skunk odor removal resources.

Detailed information on keeping and preventing skunks from ever coming near your pets or house again.

Run over a skunk in your car? Learn how to remove the embarr ing skunk smell, and no a car wash doesn’t work.

Methods no one should ever use to remove skunk odor. You’d be surprised at the dangerous methods and lack of instructions people are spreading around blogs and forums on removing skunk odor. Some of these methods cause permanent bleaching and even blindness! Read more…

Friday, August 29, 2014

Max’s Woodworking Plans and Projects

By admin | At 1:04 PM | Label : | 1 Comments

Max's Woodworking Plans and Projects
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You DON’T have to be a professional builder to build an amazing patio, deck, picnic table, small building, or revitalize your home with a sleek new design, look, and feel.

In fact, you don’t even have to know anything about woodworking or building…it’s a plus if you do, but with the development of technology and new ways of doing things, it’s now easier than ever to walk in as a complete newbie and finish a project that looks like a woodworking pro did it from top to bottom.

The good news for you today is that with this new, comprehensive package that I’ve developed, you’ll be able to build the perfect product, quickly and easily.

You never have to postpone a project….Heck, you’ll have a full range of projects from clocks to stables to choose from. My name is Max Millard, I’m a professional builder who has worked with the best of the best when it comes to woodworking projects.

Up until about 2 years ago I would spend more time looking for quality plans then I did actually building my projects. It was frustrating, and I wished there was one location that had all the designs and ideas I could ever want. Well after spending months and even years of my time, I’ve finally created the best source for woodworking plans available. Now I spend far less time searching for quality plans, because they’re all in one place.

Introducing… Max’s Woodworking Plans! It doesn’t matter what your level of experience is, you will find something in my plans and projects package to suit your needs. We have multiple designs for every project to suit various experience levels. So if you’re just a new woodworker with little experience, don’t worry. We also have more technical projects for those experienced woodworkers looking for a challenge.

Here’s a few examples of the thousands of plans and projects inside my package. (Please note, we have reduced the image size and quality for faster loading, the actual images are larger and higher quality)

I like the the step-by-step guide for these plans and the color blueprints makes them even more valuable. And the bonus area…rulls!

"This package really changed my life! I do woodworking for a living and with these plans I work twice as fast and cheaper.

"… really, this is a good job. It shouldn’t be missed from the table of any woodworker. The blueprints, plans and explanations are structured and comprehensive…

You’ve probably read testimonials like these before and you’re probably still skeptical on how good these plans really are? That’s why today,

Yes, I’m giving you an entire 2 months to try, test out, and see just how effective my Woodworking Plans are for you.

I don’t care…even if it’s on the 59th day of the guarantee, if for whatever reason you feel "Max’s Woodworking Plans" were not helpful in any way, all you have to do is let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked. Here’s a copy of my "Love it or it’s free guarantee:

OK Max, what’s the cost of this enormous woodworking package? How much would you pay to never spend hours looking for a quality plan for your next project? I mean, people spend hours and even weeks searching for the right plan. What I’m offering is 1600+ plans, all in one place. So you never have to worry about not having the right plan ever again. This alone is worth hundreds to experienced woodworkers! This package takes the pain and headaches out of every woodworking project. So all you have to do is get the required materials and get to work, no mucking around! PRICE UPDATE BELOW:

(This price will not last for long. We are only offering this price as a launch special and this launch price closes soon) Depending on sales volume the price may raise at any time. We will not sell more than 80 copies at this price. After then, the price goes back up.

This limited time price wont last, click the add to cart button below to secure your copy at this massive discount!

P.S. Make sure you send me pictures of your projects, I love to showcase other woodworkers products. P.P.S. The price has been reduced to just $37 for a short time only and will return to the original price of $197 very soon. Secure your discount by ordering now!

"Excellent product, huge variety of projects and the diagrams and plans are simply awesome. I highly recommend this product to others looking for woodworking projects"

"I bought these plans for my husband and he’s thrilled. I can’t get him out of the shed. But I dont mind, he’s making furniture for our home! :) " Read more…

Learn How To Attract Money — Learn How to Attract Money

By admin | At 7:19 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

Learn How To Attract Money — Learn How to Attract Money
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Wealthy people have what is called a millionaire’s mindset; a special way of thinking and believing that separates the achievers and successful individuals from the rest of the population.

Simply enter your name and email address below, confirm your subscription and you’ll receive the material immediately!

Many of those teaching the Law of Attraction only recently started learning how it works.  And many of them have been handed down INCORRECT INFORMATION!

I have been studying and applying Law of Attraction in my own life since 1994.  I learned about Law of Attraction from some of the earlier teachers who really understood the Law.

And If there’s one thing I know for sure, if you are not applying the Law 100% correctly, you are doing it 100% wrong!

You can now use the Law of Attraction to develop a Millionaire Mindset and help you to go after and achieve your dreams and your goals in life.

I have been racking my brain to try and come up with the best way to reveal these secrets and information I have.  It’s a lot of information to try and teach you in a state of trance.

So, what I came up with was a strictly informational / non-hypnosis program, that you could listen to and apply ANYTIME …

Understanding this information is only going to help you make using my Law of Attraction Hypnosis Audios and DVD’s you have already have even more powerful!

So, I went ahead and wrote and recorded you an audio book.  It has ten audio chapters and you can listen to, even on your way to work!

You already know how your subconscious is much powerful than the conscious mind. But why do you still lack the money you want?

You’ve heard about using The Law of Attraction for Attracting Money … BUT do you know if you are using it correctly?

Wealthy people have this so called millionaire’s personal mindset, a way of thinking that separates the achievers and successful individuals from the rest of the population. Your subconscious is much powerful than the conscious mind. This can either help you fulfill your dreams or hold you from success that you want in your life.

But why do we lack the money? Is it all because we lack the desire, opportunities, knowledge, luck or effort? The difference usually is on having the millionaire’s personal mindset

There’s a wide disconnect between ability and action in the world that we live in. There are millions of individuals out there who are capable of doing something. They may even have the right academic qualifications and some may even have an experience. But then these individuals aren’t putting their talents to the right use.

Think about someone who can teach excellently, but doesn’t put that talent to use. This teacher is instead doing a desk job because according to him or her that’s a safer bet. Now, the desk job can only take the person so far as he or she doesn’t really like doing that stuff. However, if this individual had taken the bigger step of going ahead and teaching – overcoming any limitations in the way, like stage fright – it’s highly possible that he or she would be much better financially stable and empowered today.

Yes, YOU can become self-reliant with money. It is a truly great feeling not having to depend on anyone else for your financial requirements and not everyone can do that. But if the right steps are taken, this is very much achievable.

If you don’t have the tools for the millionaire mindset it will be difficult to achieve any kind of success or teach others how to have it. That is why is it very important for you to realize the value of this Audio Book.

By using Victoria’s Law of Attraction hypnosis session you will soon see it is easier to increase attraction than you thought. The biggest hurdle for most people when applying the Law of Attraction to their everyday life, is overcoming thought processes that many of us have held since childhood. We don’t want to have any form of wealth, any good job in our field etc. More often than not when you try to increase attraction you have very specific targets in mind. You want *this* person to love you, you want *this* company to offer you a job, *this* house specifically. You don’t want one that’s just like it a few blocks down. Or someone who has all the qualities of the one you desire but blue eyes instead of brown. However in order to attract prosperity into your life, you have to increase your ability to visualize as well. Read more…

Adventures In EFT – The Best Book On EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques – Energy EFT

By admin | At 4:47 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

Adventures In EFT - The Best Book On EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques - Energy EFT
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EFT Scripts - EFT Training – Advanced EFT – EFT Examples – EFT 4 Beginners – EFT Tips – EFT Q & A – EFT Conference - Essential EFT

EFT, designed by Stanford Engineer Gary Craig and based on the ancient revered systems of acupuncture, is a SUPERB self help technique you can learn in just 5 minutes, with absolutely NO prior knowledge of meridians, psychology or anything and that absolutely WILL:

Yes! It’s absolutely true! Tens of thousands of ordinary people and the most well qualified professional healers alike agree:

Performing in sports, music and relationships as though you were always "on a really good day" -

Ananga Sivyer, Dip. Kin, CT. AMT reports on the group EFT workshop at the Brighton Mind, Body & Soul Healing Festival, October 5, 2002:

"As part of our workshop we decided to teach the participants EFT for relief from physical pain. I invited anyone with any discomfort or pain in their body to come up and join me for a demo… and up came about 20 people!! Did they get relief? You bet they did!"

But don’t take our word for it – tens of thousands of people all around the world are re-writing their own life scripts of "That’s the best it can get" into a true success story with the power of EFT!

Here’s what experienced professionals who help people with real hard phobias, mental problems, deep depressions and terrible addictions and use EFT every single day say about THEIR experiences with EFT – and they are DELIGHTED to put their real names to this!

Mary E. Stafford, MEd, CPC, TFTdx, EFT-CC writes: EFT has transformed this counselor’s life. EFT put joy back in my work because I was able to witness people achieving their goals in minutes or hours instead of weeks or months. I have used EFT to help people overcome traumas, abuse, phobias, depression, anxiety, chronic anger, grief, chronic pain, allergies to cats and dogs, substance sensitivies, and more. EFT has also helped in weightloss, stopping smoking, and other compulsions and obsessions.

Anthony Cocilovo, M.A. writes: Your problems – fears, anxieties, phobias, traumas, etc., are horrendous burdens to live with. I know, because I have had quite a few myself and I have gotten past many of these problems using EFT. These simple techniques have allowed me to get on with my life, and although they are not appropriate for every pain or issue, they can certainly address a great percentage of them – and in a very short time. In addition to problem emotions, addictions, past traumas, etc. EFT is well suited to enhance sports performance, reduce public speaking anxiety and general nervousness prior to any event.

Jim Shane, QCA writes: When one is confused and or hurting, they want relief. If they spend time and energy looking for help, they want it now! EFT is an advanced technology that can provide that relief. And we can do it now. EFT is so effective that I offer "Results based therapy". This means that you will "feel" a positive difference in one session, or you owe nothing. I love what I do because it works… now!

Kimberly B. Scott, EFT-CC, D.N., Ph.D. writes: "I haven’t felt this good in years!" This is what clients say about their sessions. EFT is a rapid, long lasting, and pain-free technique to deal with emotional or physical trauma.

Stacey L. Vornbrock, MS, Certified Professional Counselor writes: I specialize in using EFT for Peak Performance so you can be the best and do your best in your endeavor. I offer EFT as a cutting edge tool that will help add to your current performance program. GOLFERS: lower your scores, increase focus, release mental blocks, and reduce anxiety with EFT. Even if you just play for fun, EFT can make a difference in your game. ATHLETES: get out of slumps, eliminate doubt and fear, heal injuries rapidly, enhance your confidence, and take your game to the next level with EFT. EFT will aid you in achieving Peak Performance consistently. PERFORMING ARTISTS: reduce anxiety, increase focus, take your performance to the next level and improve self-confidence with EFT. SALES PEOPLE: increase sales, eliminate fears, increase your motivation, and break through your sales comfort zone with EFT.

Quila O. Rider, RN, CNM, PhD writes: When I started doing EFT, I was amazed at the results. Since then, I have used it on all my clients and myself with spectacular results. Because of the results that EFT has brought, a money back guarantee is now available.

Yet these are just a tiny, tiny example of the tens of thousands of delighted testimonials from professionals and from everyday people who have found EFT to be:

Applicable everywhere – you won’t believe how often EFT can come to your aid!

EFT makes YOU feel better – and… Read more…

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