Friday, September 12, 2014


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Did you know eating two bites of pineapple after your workout can actually help you build muscle faster? Or that sleeping with your windows open (just a crack) can help you burn fat? That’s just a few of the incredible secrets you’ll discover in this article.

Would you rather look like the m monster on the left? Or would you rather look like the guy on the right?

There’s no wrong answer here. If you truly would rather look like a 300-pound monsterous bodybuilder… then good luck to you. But I can’t help you so you should probably just leave now.

But if you’d rather get a body like the guy on the right, then stick around because in this article I’ll show you the surprising training and diet secrets I discovered while researching information on this old time strongman dude.

By the way his name is Eugen Sandow. And he died way back in 1925. I’ll say that again because it’s important: He died in the year 1925. Why is this important? Well, it’s quite simple. Steroids weren’t invented until the 1950′s. And because he died 30 years before steroids were even invented…. we can be absolutely positive he built his physique without drugs or steroids.

These days it’s nearly impossible to tell who is taking steroids and who is truly “natural” or drug-free.

Let’s face it: Not too many steroid users are willing to admit they take illegal steroids. And that suuuuucks for you and me. That for guys like us trying to figure out how to build muscle and burn fat the natural (drug-free) way because we can never be certain who is lying and who is telling the truth.

Remember when Mark Mcguire started launching 60+ home runs a year and told everybody it was because of his new workout program? Yeah…. turns out it was because of steroids.

Or how about back in the day when a young Austrian kid named “Arnold Schwatzenegger” came out of nowhere and was suddenly the biggest bodybuilder on the planet. It was all due to his hard work and special training programs right? Yeah….. no. Arnold himself admitted steroid use and check out this statement from his biography. “Arnold took doses of steroids that terrified other bodybuilders.” Turns out the reason Arnold was the biggest bodybuilder was because he took the biggest doses of steroids.

But steroids are just limited to sports stars and bodybuilders right? Plenty of actors and other entertainers manage to get lean & jacked naturally… so we can just find out what they do… right!

Sylvester Stallone (aka Rocky), the rapper 50 cent and dozens of other celebrities have all been busted for carrying Human Growth Hormone or HGH – a powerful and illegal steroid.

In the do entary “Bigger, Faster, Stronger” a male fitness model named Christan Boeving actually admitted on camera to using steroids. He was filming a commercial for a new muscle-building supplement and he admitted to the film maker that the supplement had nothing to do with his physique… because he had been taking steroids since he was 16! The supplement company fired him immediately. Not for using steroids… but for admitting it.

These days, it seems like everybody is using steroids. So trying to find a proven program for building muscle and burning fat without drugs is like trying to find a virgin in a whore house.

My name is Matt Marshall. I’m NOT a bodybuilder a professional athlete or anything like that. I’m just a regular guy who wanted to build muscle and burn fat.

But I was getting frustrated because no matter what I did I couldn’t seem to make any progress. I couldn’t seem to gain muscle and no matter how strict my diet I couldn’t seem to lose those last few pounds of fat from my belly.

I did what anybody else would do and I looked to the “experts” for help. But time and time again I ran into a problem: I tried the popular programs… but they didn’t work for me. And then after the fact I’d discover that the creators of these popular programs got their physiques from steroids… not hard work and protein powder.

It was no wonder I kept failing. All the experts were saying one thing but doing something completely different behind closed doors. I was so frustrated I was ready to quit. But here’s the photo that changed everything for me….

When I saw this photo, I thought “man, that’s the way I want to look.” Minus the moustache, of course. But other than that, this was the kind of body I’d been trying to build. Lean, muscular and fit.

Not big and bloated like today’s professional bodybuilders. Best of all, I could tell this photo was… Read more…


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